Dohm-Mann family tree

The Dohm-Mann family tree contains a number of famous writers, musicians and actors. This family tree is not complete but is focused on showing the relationship of the well-known members of the family.

Heinrich Mann
Julia Mann
Thomas Johann Heinrich Mann
Ludwig Herman Bruhns
Carla Mann
Gustaf Gründgens
Júlia da Silva Bruhns
Maria da Silva
Viktor Mann
Erika Mann
Hans Ernst Dohm
Thomas Mann
W. H. Auden
Hedwig Dohm
Katharina Pringsheim
Klaus Mann
Ernst Dohm
Alfred Pringsheim
Klaus Pringsheim, Sr.
Golo Mann
Ida Marie Elisabeth Dohm
Monika Mann
Gustav Adolph Schleh
Hedwig Dohm
Marie Pauline Adelheid Dohm
Elisabeth Mann
Angelica Borgese
Wilhelmine Jülich
Eva Dohm
Giuseppe Antonio Borgese
Dominica Borgese
Michael Mann